We are very lucky to have our two branches in such beautiful surroundings.

Firstly our branch in Yarmouth, on the Isle of Wight Yarmouth town is situated on the North-West of the Isle of Wight. The town is named from it’s location at the mouth of the river Yar. Yarmouth is the second smallest town in England, and is the oldest town on the Island. For those interested in the history of the town, the local town council website has more information.
Gordon House, South Street,
Yarmouth, Isle of Wight.
PO41 0QB
Tel – 01983 760377

Our second branch being in Battle, in East Sussex. Battle is a small town and was named after the Battle of Hastings, the most famous conflict on English soil. The town is overlooked by the medieval abbey, the grounds of which are where King Harold is said to have received the fatal arrow. More about the history is available at the visit 1066 Country website.
74a High Street,
Battle, East Sussex.
TN33 0AG
Tel – 01424 775953
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